Report on the 2019 750 Motor Club Historic Plum Pudding Trial
trial Report 750 Motor Club Historic Plum Pudding
We enjoyed this Facebook post by Mark Milne and thought we should share it on the website too.
What does Oxford V Cambridge has got to do with trials?
Well up until today I’d have said nothing, but I’ve found an article that has educated me - not to Oxbridge level though.
So an Inter-varsity (that’s university speak to you and me) car trial took place apparently as far back as the 1920’s.
This article from 1938 explains all about that year’s trial and and how Cambridge came to win by one single point. Reading it it sounds like a right old palava and would be way better to watch than the usual boat race I’m sure.
With sections becoming bogged, tyres coming off, wheels spinning inside tyres, doors being jammed on section sides, no tractor organised to extract cars, however they did have a telephone on one section! Very la di dah!
Competition tyres and solid axles were banned since 1935 apparently but there were no restrictions for passengers and all kinds of techniques were experimented with including “a most uncomfortable position, hanging head downwards out the back of an Alfa Romeo looking as though in a diving position” and “sitting jolly uncomfortably in the luggage compartment of a Rover, however making a good climb possible!”
Best performance was by the only real trials car taking part, R.E. Tongue’s V8 Allard, which went clean for the day.
Would it happen now? Certainly not!
Would it be worth a watch? Definitely!
Jolly Fiddle Sticks!
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trial Report 750 Motor Club Historic Plum Pudding